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During the first few days of 2019, most people have already started their diets, cut down on alcohol consumption, and returned back to their daily routine.
For one historian and prophecy scholar, however, taking a break from his biggest passion is not an option. As the year has just started, David Montaigne has already announced that the world will end by the end of 2019, on December 28 to be exact.

According to David, the apocalypse is inevitable, which is why the cheerful lad already began counting down the days until humanity is wiped out for good.
Mr. Montaigne, who became a somewhat controversial figure after claiming that anti-Christ would return to our planet in 2016, now claims that the biblical texts and the alignment of stars secretly indicate when the world will end.

And, as the prophet claims in his book ‘End Times and 2019: The End of the Mayan Calendar and the Countdown to Judgement Day’, he has deciphered the secret codes and found out that the Armageddon will take place on December 28, 2019.
While there are plenty of skeptics who laughed off David’s theory, there are also people who fear that he might be right this time.
On his website, the prophecy scholar wrote:
“On December 21, 2019, survivors will experience the first day of a pole shift – when the entire surface of the planet will shift out of position and move over the more fluid layers beneath the crust.
“Over the next few days, this will cause earthquakes and tidal waves and volcanic activity which will almost completely destroy what is left of our civilization.
“There is a mountain of evidence in historical, geological, and biological records showing such pole shifts have happened before. Even the Bible describes them repeatedly.
“I think that we will experience another pole shift for the week following December 21, 2019, getting worse each day until the natural disasters culminate on December 28 – Judgment Day.”
Another person who claims to have ‘bright’ news for the future is a guy dubbed Noah the Time Traveler who frequently releases videos in which he speaks about the future events.
Recently, Noah revealed that the year 2019 will come with a massive snowstorm that will wipe out a large portion of the United States. On top of that, aliens will allegedly pay us a visit.
“Starting from 2019 to 2020, January 2019 will see a huge and massive spike of UFO sightings. People see them everywhere,” Noah said in his video.
“In February 2019, a massive snowstorm hits the Midwest, multiple cities are wiped out by snow storms. It is the biggest snowstorm in history.”
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