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Protestors In Seattle March Through A Residential Area Demanding Owners To Give Up Their Homes

Although the calls for justice and the ending of anti-racism is not challenged by anyone, some of the more extreme slogans and looters hidden among the lawful protestors have damaged the reputation of the Black Lives Matter protestors.


ⓒ – KOMO

Another instance of a bunch of protestors crossing a line was recorded and shared on Twitter, as it shows BLM marchers shouting for homeowners to give up their house to the African Americans. The video was recorded in a residential area in Seattle, Washington.


In the clip, a man shouts at White homeowners that the houses are built on what is a historically black area of the city. Using expletives, he angrily asked if the residents knew how the black folks used to live in this part of town before the white residents moved in.


After he demands that the homeowners do something to rectify the situation, a fellow protestor next to the man yelled through a megaphone that the owners forego their homes. Another female protestor said that the white people should open up their wallets to contribute.

ⓒ – Reuters via New York Post

Some of the protestors sounded like they had a personal reason to be angry towards the homeowners. One was heard saying that he and his family used to live in this area before the white people moved in and gentrified the area.


However, many would agree that the direction of the anger should not be pointed to the individual homeowners who have moved into the neighborhood. Aggressive and sometimes vulgar calls that asked for reparations does not contribute positively to the cause in any sense.


Ironically, another video showed how the protestors refused to take responsibility or pay reparations to a white business owner. When the owner supposedly called the police to report how his window was broken, protestors jeered at the owner, saying that he’s being racist.

ⓒ – The Seattle Times

In another footage, it shows protestors shouting swear words at police officers as a man is taken into custody by the officers for the charges of vandalizing property.


The city of Seattle is in chaos as the mayor of the city faces a legal battle over her position, while the police chief has resigned as a protest to the city council that reduced the police budget for next year.

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