Public schools in Australia have decided to ban children from using mobile phones on their premises in order to increase students’ focus and promote a healthier learning environment.
The kids affected by the ban will be those attending public schools in Western Australia, whereas the ban is set to come into effect in 2020.

“We want to create the best possible learning environment for WA kids, and our policy will allow students to focus on their school work, without the distraction of a mobile phone,” Mark McGowan, the Premier of Western Australia, said.
“My government is responding to concerns from parents and teachers about the pressures and demands that carrying a mobile phone brings to young people.”

As the premier went on to explain, the students will be allowed to bring phones with them but will not be permitted to use them until they leave the school and head off home. The ban will be enforced during school hours as well as before the school hours and during breaks.
“Additionally, while it is recognized that cyber bullying mainly occurs outside school time, banning the use of mobile phones will reduce external issues being brought into a school via technology,” McGowan added.
Along with smartphones, the government will also ban earbuds, smartwatches, tablets, and other gadgets that could disturb the students during their studies.
As the authorities pointed out, however, exceptions will be allowed when a student requires a certain app or gadget, such as a smartwatch, because of an underlying medical condition.
“Schools I have visited where phones are banned, have reported that a tough stance has been a game-changer for students and staff,” Education Minister Sue Ellery added.
“Students are talking to each other face-to-face rather than texting and they’re not distracted from their work during class – overall those schools are much happier and connected places. I want that for all schools.”
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