Categories: lifenews

Puma Created $100 Socks With Console Gamers In Mind So They Could ‘Game Their Best’

We all have our socks bought for us by our wives or mothers.


Most of the time, they have video game characters drawn on them, and normally you and I consider paying anything above 10 bucks for a pack of socks a bit too lucrative.

Puma, however, thinks that people can easily agree to pay something more than 10 bucks, in fact above 10 times 10 bucks, for a pair of their new socks which they like to call “Active Gaming Footwear.”


Honestly, the latest socks from Puma, which look more like a pair of shoes, are something more than just any other socks. But, come on Puma! $100 (£80) for a pair of socks is a bit, no, a lot lucrative.

“Created with console gamers in mind, the gaming sock is the first edition Active Gaming Footwear,” Puma describes their new socks.


“Designed for indoor and in-arena use, it delivers seamless comfort, support and grip so gamers can adapt to different active gaming modes and game their best.”


That’s not enough of description to trick us commoners into buying a pair of socks that costs upwards of $100. We don’t know what type of a gamer needs instant ‘grip’ to clear a round they otherwise can’t.

It’s either that the gaming knowledge of all the gamers has suddenly become a century outdated or that Puma has successfully tricked people into believing what they want.


If that alone couldn’t surprise you enough, Puma says their new pair of socks will have a number of “modes.”


It looks like Puma wants to declare them some actual gaming peripherals.


Puma website says that they have “lateral wrap-up support in ATTACK mode”, “medial wrap-up grip in SEEK mode” and a “heel wrap-up stability in CRUISE and DEFENSE mode.”

It is clearly unclear if Puma is pulling on a prank here or trying to seriously ascertain this. Well, you can probably find that out on their website under the “features and benefits” tab.



