Categories: Animals/Petslife

Amazing Mom Took Good Care Of Her 6 Puppies Before Being Rescued

A dog was found in a Minnesota snowdrift where she had her litter in the cold.


Snowbelle was sitting with her six puppies in the snow near Red Lake in the US state of Minnesota.

‘’A community member saw Snowbelle and her babies in the snow and alerted our rescue as to their plight,” officials from Red Lake’s Rosie’s Rescue told Bored Panda.

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Red Lake Rosie’s Rescue

Snowbelle and Pups got rescued by the kind people of Rosie’s Rescue.point 181 | ‘’Another community member who assists Karen Good, the founder of the shelter, brought Snowbelle and her puppies to the shelter.point 294 |


She [Karen] set Snowbelle up in a kennel with straw and blankets and determined that Snowbelle was so emaciated that her milk had dried up.point 115 | point 118 | 1

The people were surprised to see the three weeks old puppies survived in such severe conditions. Red Lake Rosie’s Rescue shared the photos of Snowbelle and her puppies on Facebook writing, ‘’Snowbelle had her litter of 6 puppies in a snowdrift this winter. A concerned family drove her and her babies to the Red Lake Rosie’s Rescue shelter.’’

Red Lake Rosie’s Rescue

‘’They were very hungry and mama Snowbelle had no milk to give them. After a few days of warm shelter and good food Snowbelle started producing lots of milk for her babies.’’


‘’Thank you for supporting Red Lake Rosie’s Rescue and Red Lake companion animals. This photo shows the great need for shelter and food in our very harsh winters.’’

‘’We have no idea how Snowbelle and her puppies survived. They were about 3 weeks old when rescued.’’

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Red Lake Rosie’s Rescue

Karen took care of the pups by making them what they call a “puppy gruel,” a mixture of puppy formula and pâté style puppy food.point 232 |


“puppies at this stage are extremely messy eaters which requires cleaning their kennel after every feeding.point 94 | All of the blankets need to be changed out with every feeding, so it creates a mountain of laundry.point 175 | Fortunately, Snowbelle is an amazing momma who kept her puppies clean,” said the workers at Rosie’s Rescue.point 270 | 1

Red Lake Rosie’s Rescue

Snowbelle had to be nurtured back to health as well. After a few days of safety and good diet, Snowbelle’s milk returned and she was able to start feeding her babies on her own. During her time there, “Snowbelle had to learn to trust people and how to, as we call it, be a pet.”

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Red Lake Rosie’s Rescue

After their recovery, “Karen set to work, networking with rescue partners to find a placement for Snowbelle and her babies.point 228 |


” Asha became Snowbelle’s new name that she took after her trial by cold.point 64 | “The majority of them already are adopted, with Asha and 2 of her puppies waiting for their forever homes,” the officials updated the Bored Panda team.point 194 | 1




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