Categories: life

The Sky Turned Purple Just Moments Before Typhoon Hagibis Hit Japan

Moments before Typhoon Hagibis slammed Japan, hundreds of people took pictures of the mesmerizing sky that turned purple.


Despite the imminent danger approaching in the form of category 5 typhoon, the residents were stunned as Mother Nature came up with the hypnotic display.

joanna_kocholl – Instagram

According to the reports, Hagibis was the strongest typhoon to hit Japan in the last 50 years and was responsible for taking the lives of at least 40 people.

kei_xxx_kun – Twitter

As for the purple sky, which can also occur in the presence of hurricanes, it is a result of scattering, a weather phenomenon in which, according to meteorologist Scott Cordero, “molecules and small particles in the atmosphere change the direction of light rays, causing them to scatter.”

yuCcanimiso – Twitter

As the light passes through at a different angle, we see it in a different color than the usual sky blue.


A similar thing happened back in 2018 when Hurricane Michael hit the US. After the event, meteorologist Lauren Rautenkranz explained:

“As sunlight shines down to Earth, most of the colors of the spectrum are able to reach the surface uninterrupted. But the shorter wavelengths, blue and violet, are scattered in every direction.

ara_to1 – Twitter

“This light bounces from particle to particle until it eventually reaches your eyes. But the sky doesn’t appear violet and blue because of our eyes’ limitations. The light was scattered around the moisture in the air, causing the magical purple color.”

Desu_unknown – Twitter

Before the typhoon made it to the shore, hundreds of people shared their own pictures of the purple sky.


“Such a beautiful scene, but I’m afraid of what’s about to follow. Pray for Japan,” someone wrote.

ika_mesugorira – Twitter

“Beautiful but deadly. The evacuations have already begun and it seems that nature is ready for its next move,” another one said.


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