Qatar Airways has joined an increasing group of airlines that are incorporating personal protective equipments (PPEs) in the uniforms for their flight attendants.
From now, their flight attendants will wear hazmat suits over their regular uniforms along with masks, goggles and gloves.
The burden of protection will also be shared by all passengers starting next week. Everyone that board a Qatar Airways flight will now have to cover their mouths with masks or other apparels throughout the flight. Hand sanitizers will also be made readily available for both the crew and passengers.
Chief executive Akbar Al Baker explained that these measures were deemed necessary in order to provide the quality service that is a staple of his company. Philippines Airlines and AirAsia have already announced that PPEs will be the ‘new normal’ for flights in a post-Covid world.
Qatar Airway’s decision to mandate that passengers cover their mouths through the flight is in accordance with recommendations from the US Center for Disease Control (CDC). However, not all airlines have implemented the regulations in an uniform manner.
For instance, Southwest Airlines regulates that a customer may or may not be denied boarding if they do not wear a face mask. Other airlines, such as American or JetBlue, has made it clear that anyone who refuses to comply will be denied a seat on the plane.
The change in the uniforms for flight attendants marks a significant event as it has always changed and adapted to the needs and desires of the consumer base. Philippines Airlines had reportedly asked designer Edwin Tan to design their new uniform. Tan said he was inspired by the doctor gowns.
As these orders are still in the preliminary stages, it is hard to know how forcefully the measures will be imposed. For instance, how drinks and meals will be served has not been clarified for many of the airlines. Currently, the service a customer is provided may differ from plane to plane.
This report comes as many speculate the future of flying and traveling in a world after Covid-19. From new models that suggest building dividers between seats to expectations that the cost of flying will increase, it seems certain that many changes will follow after the pandemic.
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