Categories: life

15 Years Ago, The Queen Of England Broke Protocol To Support Americans After 9/11

September 11th, 2001 is a day that lives in infamy for every American citizen.


It has been over 15 years since that day, but ask any American who was alive then and they will tell you exactly what they were doing and who they were with when we got news that the towers had been struck.

At the time, we didn’t know what exactly was going on or that it would be burned into our memories for the rest of our lives. The news channels constantly replayed the moments when the planes hit the towers. We even saw people jumping out of buildings as they desperately tried to seek safety. It was truly horrifying.


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It was terrifying for the adults, but even the children felt the chills of that truly terrible day. They had no idea why their parents and teachers were so upset. Many adults frantically tried to call their loved ones who were in Manhattan, took a plane or were at the Pentagon.


It wasn’t scary for just the United States either, as the entire world watched in horror as the towers collapsed. A day that would forever live in infamy.

As the United States began to grieve over the innocent citizens who died and brave first responders who sacrificed so much to save lives, the world prayed and supported us. England did something extra special to show support for the United States though.


It turned out that the Queen of England had actually broken protocol after 9/11 happened to stand with the U.S. in solitude after that dark day. She instructed the Royal Guards to play America’s national anthem The Star-Spangled Banner during the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace.


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It is truly touching to see such a special act from one of our best allies during a time of such hardship. Thank you, England!

Be sure to LIKE and SHARE this amazing story of British and American friendship during such a tragic time in our history.

Thanks to Reelsarency/YouTube for the thumbnail photo.


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