Categories: FunQuiz

How Fast Can You Spot The Two DEER Hiding In This Photo? Only 1 In 10 People Can See Them!

A perfectly-timed photo has gone viral after viewers were challenged to spot the animals hiding in the snap.


As is often the case when we’re out in nature, animals can see and hear us long before we notice them. Sometimes, however, we might just be able to spot their hideout if we look closely enough.

©korkidog – Reddit

The photo above was shared on Reddit where users were encouraged to try and spot two deer hiding in the woodland.


“Deer are camouflage masters. Yes, there is a deer in this photo, looking directly towards the camera,” the caption reads.

With that being said, it’s time to put your eyes up to a test! Try to find the two deer as quickly as possible.

Source – Pixabay

Have you found the hidden deer yet? We can guarantee they are in there somewhere and they’re looking straight at you.


Hint: look for signature rounded ears and dark eyes to spot the two deer in no time!

Here they are:

©korkidog – Reddit

Did you manage to spot the animals? If not, don’t fret, most viewers struggle to see the two masters of camouflage!


To help you train your eyes to spot the smallest of details, here comes another picture puzzle showing a hidden animal. Try to find it now!

©donibobes – Reddit

This time, you’re looking for a cat. But not just any cat – a sneaky feline that is waiting in ambush and preying on passersby.


Once you’ve found the cat, scroll down to make sure you’ve got the right answer!

©donibobes – Reddit

Which animal was the hardest to spot? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more puzzles and vision tests, follow us on Facebook!