Categories: FunQuiz

Can You Find All SIX Differences In These Pictures? 90% Of Viewers Failed The Challenge!

If you’re always looking for new ways to challenge yourself while having fun, you’ve come to the right place.


We’re back with another set of viral picture puzzles that will test your visual skills, your attention to detail, and, ultimately, your patience.


In the picture above, you can see two side-by-side images showing a pair of skydivers in action. They both look like they’re having a blast, but we’re not here to be the judge of that!


Instead, your job is to look carefully at each picture and find as many differences as you possibly can.

Here’s the thing: the majority of people can’t spot all SIX differences. If you can do it in less than a minute, you pass our first challenge.

Source – Pixabay

By now, you’ve probably spotted at least three or four details that don’t match in the two pictures. If you can’t find the last difference, don’t give up just yet. Here are a few hints that might help you in your search.


Pay attention to the skydivers’ clothes, helmets, and harnesses to crack the puzzle.

If you still can’t do it, scroll down to see the correct answer!


One challenge down, one to go. Let’s get straight to our next puzzle.


This time, the rules of the game are a bit different. Instead of just two pictures, you can see sixteen faces that appear identical.

One of these faces, however, is different from the rest. Find out which now!


Spotting the odd one out is definitely a big challenge, especially if you don’t know what part of the faces you should be focusing on.


If you need some help, worry not, we’re here to help. The difference you’re trying to find has something to do with the lips.

Before scrolling down to verify your answer, make sure you’ve already put in your best effort!



Did you find these picture puzzles very challenging? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more brainteasers, follow us on Facebook!