Categories: FunQuiz

Only A Few People Could Spot The ODD Fish In This Picture! Can You Do It?

If you find it fun to look for differences and have no problem paying attention to details, you’ll love the challenges we have in store for you today.


To test your visual skills while letting you have some fun, we’ve gathered a series of adorable puzzles featuring odd figures that you’ll have to find under a time limit.


In the first picture, you can see 16 Kōhaku koi fish that appear identical upon first look. But if you look very closely, you might just notice that one of them is unique.


Spot the odd fish in less than 60 seconds to pass the first test.

Once you’re done, verify your answer below and continue to the next challenge.


We hope that was not too hard, because the challenges don’t get any easier from hereon.


In the image below, you will see sixteen portraits of a young lady. Once again, your job is to spot the odd one out – but this time you only have 40 seconds to do so! Ready?


Are you checking out each of the lady’s hair, eyes, and eyebrows without success? That’s probably because the difference concerns her lips!


With that being said, have another look at the portraits and see if you can spot that pesky difference!


Time for one final challenge. Since you only have 20 seconds to find the difference this time, this may be the hardest task yet.


When you’re ready, take a look at the puzzle below.


Finding the odd one out while choosing from 25 icons is much harder than being faced with just 16 figures. For that reason, we’ve decided to help you out a bit.


To solve the final piece of today’s mystery, focus on the men’s expressions. They all look gloomy except for the one who is smiling!


What are your thoughts on this type of challenge? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more visual tests, follow us on Facebook!