Solving puzzles, riddles, and other brain games is a great way to improve your cognitive function, sharpen your memory, reduce stress levels, boost your daily productivity, and more.
That is why we have another fun-filled brainteaser that you can enjoy with your friends and family. Are you ready? Not many people can beat this challenge but what about you?
Take a look at the image below and see if you can figure out the right shadow of the flowers!
The image shows white flowers and five shadows around it. But only one of the shadows is correct! Can you find the right one?
If you have already figured out the correct shadow, congratulations! You are one of the very few people who managed to get it right.
But if you’re still confused, don’t worry as the answer is already provided below. Just make sure that you have already pushed yourself to the limits before scrolling down! You can also ask your friends or family for help to double the fun!
Giving up? Scroll down to see the answer…
Let’s try another picture puzzle!
There is an odd one among the eight, can you spot it?
The picture shows eight figures of a woman but one of them is actually different from the rest! Have you spotted it yet?
The creator of this brainteaser made the odd one very difficult to notice as the discrepancy is almost unnoticeable but once you see the detail that made it different from others, you won’t be able to unsee it anymore.
Scroll down to see the answer for this tricky brainteaser…
Were you able to solve both picture puzzles? Which one is more challenging for you? Let us know in the comments section and SHARE this post with your family and friends!