Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

There’s A Major Error Hiding In This Picture! Can You Find It?

q4 21.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - There's A Major Error Hiding In This Picture! Can You Find It?

We’re putting your observation skills to the test and we want to see how far you’re willing to go to get this riddle correct!


Okay, first things first. This picture had so many puzzlers baffled, despite being on the easier side of the scale.

Remember, it’s important to focus with all your concentration because these can be a little challenging.

Source: Timeless Life

Here’s a couple that appears to be relaxing on the beach. Hand in hand, they’re enjoying spending their time together with the oceanfront view. After all, nothing is more peaceful than a little beach fun.


Everything seems to be picture perfect for their date. But wait, it’s not that simple. The magical scene disguises not one but TWO major errors.

Let’s see if you have what it takes to find each of them! Be sure to zoom in because it’s not that simple!



Source: Timeless Life

It’s time for the final verdict! Let’s see how observant you really are at the end of the day! Good luck!

Source: Timeless Life

The first mistake is how there are TWO moons in the picture, one is a full moon while the other is a crescent. That cannot be possible of course!


The second error is the extra hand holding the phone! Again, that’s a huge error in this image!

How many were you able to find? Let us know in the comments section and SHARE the fun with your loved ones!

Let’s move on to challenge number two! Are you ready because we sure are!

Source; Small Joys

Here is a picture that hides two errors. And we want to see if you’re smart enough to figure out where those mistakes lie.


Remember, we’re looking for two unusual findings that shouldn’t be seen in a normal image! Good luck!


Source: Small Joys

Were you able to spot these out or not? Let us know in the comments section and be sure to SHARE the fun with your loved ones!