Categories: FunQuiz

How Fast Can You Spot The MISTAKE In This Picture? 90% Of Viewers Couldn’t See The Error!

whats wrong 2.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - How Fast Can You Spot The MISTAKE In This Picture? 90% Of Viewers Couldn’t See The Error!

It’s time to put your visual skills to the test with a challenging picture puzzle featuring a big error.


If you like to have fun while pushing your thinking abilities to the limit, you’ll definitely enjoy the puzzles below. In each test, you will be asked to closely inspect the image and find out what’s wrong with it.

Let’s start with a warm-up!


The picture above shows four young friends eating pizza at a restaurant. We can tell you that one of the kids is celebrating their birthday with their best friends.


All of the children are dressed casually for the event and appear to be holding one slice of pizza each. On the table, you might also notice two glasses of juice next to an open pizza box.

But can you find the error in less than one minute?

Source – Pixabay

Have you found the mistake yet? What could be wrong with this image?


The answer has something to do with PIZZA! Now that we gave you a clue, take another close look at the puzzle and solve the mystery.


If you paid attention to details, you probably noticed that the kids are holding four slices of pizza while only three slices are missing from the box! Where did they get the fourth slice?


Whether you couldn’t spot the error and want another chance or the puzzle was simply too easy for you, here comes another fun brain teaser to keep you entertained.


In the picture above, you can see a young couple resting by the pool. They are drinking cocktails while looking at each other and smiling.


Something in this scene, however, is horribly wrong. Here’s a tip: the error has nothing to do with that couple!

Keep on searching for the mistake and check your answer below once you’re done!



Did you spot both mistakes? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more fun picture puzzles, follow us on Facebook!