Categories: Daily top 10FunQuiz

9 Out Of 10 People Couldn’t Solve This Riddle! But Can You Figure Out The Correct Answer?

Solving riddles and puzzles is a great way to give your brain the daily exercise it needs, improving your cognitive function and keeping your memory sharp.


That is why we have prepared another set of fun riddles that you can enjoy with your family and friends.

Are you ready to solve these brainteasers? Let’s begin!

Bright Side

“The day before two days after the day before tomorrow is Saturday. What day is it today?”


Not many people can solve this riddle as it is really tricky. It has been leaving most challengers scratching their heads, but can you figure out the right answer?

Here’s the answer: Today is Friday.

Bright Side

“There was a competition and every single person lost. Who won?”


If every single person lost, then who could’ve won the competition?

Here’s the answer: Couples.

Bright Side

“What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?”


Is it possible to go around and explore the world while staying in the corner? What could it be?

Here’s the answer: A stamp.

Bright Side

“I married your colleagues, I married your friends, I might have even married you, and I married every single girl that asks me to, yet I am still single. Who am I?”


Is it possible to marry many people and stay single? Who could this be?

Here’s the answer: I am a priest.

Bright Side

“What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?”


How can something get wetter the more it dries? Have you figured out the answer to this tricky question yet?

Here’s the answer: A towel.

Bright Side

“Jane and Kate are born at the same moment, but have different birthdays. How is it possible?”


How come they have different birthdays even though they were born at the same moment?

Here’s the answer: They were born in different time zones.

How many riddles were you able to solve? Let us know in the comments section and SHARE this post with your family and friends to spread the fun!