The world was made a much more fun place to be in thanks to countless riddles people came up with to entertain others.
If you also find solace in putting your brain to the test and solving viral challenges, you’ve come to the right place. We have here a series of riddles waiting to be solved. But can you beat the odds and solve them all? Only a few managed to succeed!
Let’s start with our first riddle for today. Here it comes.“Alone I am 24th, with a friend I am 20. Add another friend and I am unclean. What am I?”
This one definitely sounds a bit confusing at first – for a good reason. Read through the sentences a few times to make sure you don’t get the wrong idea.
Hint: the riddle has something to do with Roman numerals.
Once you’ve cracked the mystery, scroll down to view the solution:
The correct answer is the letter X! X is the 24th letter of the English alphabet. Two Xs – XX – represent the number 20 in Roman numerals. Meanwhile, three Xs together often stand as a label for dirty movies!
Without further ado, let’s get straight to the second riddle. Here it comes.
“Give me food, and I will live. Give me water, and I will die. What am I?”
This one is very simple, so make sure you don’t spend more than half a minute thinking about it! There are not many things that die out when you give them water. Focus on this to crack the puzzle.
Here’s the correct response:
The answer is fire! Give it food – fuel – and it will thrive. Give it water, and it will die.
Time for one last riddle for today. Are you ready for the hardest challenge yet?
“You can easily touch me, but not see me. You can throw me out, but not away. What am I?”
Think about it for a minute then check out the solution below:
The answer is your back! It makes sense, doesn’t it?
Which of these riddles did you find the hardest to solve? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more brain teasers and challenges, follow us on Facebook!