Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

RIDDLE TIME: Do You Have What It Takes To Solve This?

This next riddle is a lot harder than it may appear at first glance.


We know our readers adore a challenge that has their minds thinking outside the box. And this particular riddle manages to make you do just that and more. So, are you ready to put those brain cells to the test because we sure are!

Scroll down below and let’s see what’s in store!

Source: iFunny

Alright, first things first. We want you to think of something that every woman has and begins with a V. Also, she can use it to get whatever she wants.


While it may appear a little funny at first, we promise it will test your IQ in more ways than one so what are you waiting for! Give it a try and let us know what you think the right answer could be!

Hurry up because time is slipping away and we need you to succeed!


Do you give up? Do you think you’ve got the right answer in store? Either way, scroll down below, and let’s see how far did you really manage to go!


Source: Unsplash

The correct answer is HER VOICE!


How about making some room for challenge number two? We know you’ll have this one in the bag. Work hard because we know you can do it!

Alright, here’s another riddle that’s causing a stir online! Remember, read in between the lines to succeed! Good luck and happy solving!

Source: Small Joys

Can you please spare a moment from your busy schedule and think of something that fills the criteria above? If yes, what are you waiting for! Solve away and let us know the answer too in the comments section!


Are you done? Well, if not, how about giving it one final try before taking a peek at the solution!


Source: Unsplash

The right answer was a KEYBOARD!


Did you get it right on your own? If yes, congratulations on a job well done!