Categories: FunQuiz

90% Of People Failed To Answer This Simple Riddle – But Can You Beat The Odds?

A riddle has been making rounds on the internet after leaving people baffled and in search of an answer.


As you probably know, riddles can be just as fun as they can be challenging and thought-provoking. While you might crack some in just a few seconds, others will trouble your mind for hours before you figure out the correct answer.

But enough talking, let’s get straight to business with our first riddle for the day.

Source – Pexels

The first riddle goes as follows: “You can easily touch me, but can’t see me. You can throw me out, but not away. What am I?”


What could the answer be? There are not many things one can touch but not see. Perhaps it would help to know that the thing you’re looking for can actually be seen with a bit of help. A mirror or a camera should do the trick!

Still no ideas? Scroll down to see the correct answer once you’re ready to give up!


Source – Pexels

The correct answer is your back! If you failed to figure this one out, don’t worry, we have other riddles in store for you. Here comes another fun brain teaser.


“Never was, I am always to be. No one ever saw me, nor ever will. And yet I give confidence to all who live and breathe on this terrestrial ball. What am I?”

Source – Pexels

To solve this riddle, focus on the first part of it. The first sentence alone provides all the information you need to!


Alternatively, you can also scroll down for the solution.

Source – Pexels

The answer is the future!


And this brings us to the last riddle. Are you ready?

“I have seas without water. I have forests without wood. I have deserts without sand. What am I?”

Source – Pexels

The correct response is a map! How long did it take you to figure this out?


Which of these riddles did you like the most? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more brain teasers and tests, follow us on Facebook!