Categories: FunQuiz

How Many People Can You Spot In This Picture? Paintings Don’t Count!

It’s time to put your eyes to the test and see if you have the necessary visual skills to crack the puzzles below.


In the first picture, you can see several people appreciating art at a local museum. Your job is to count all the people in the image. Sounds easy? Think again!


How many people have you counted so far? Remember, paintings and statues don’t count – though they may represent humans, they aren’t real people!


With that in mind, do another count and tell us what your final answer is.

If your answer is SIX, you are wrong!

Source – Pixabay

There are actually seven people in the picture, but only a minority of viewers can spot the seventh one. He or she is hiding, but can you guess where?


To find the seventh person, we suggest you take a closer look at those paintings. One of them is not what it appears!


Person #7 was hiding behind the painting to the right this entire time. The part of the painting where the eyes are is cut out and there’s a person standing right behind it, making it look as if she was part of the painting!


Are you ready for another challenge? Let’s go!


This time, you’re looking at a young couple who’s enjoying a day in the park under the bright sky. If you look closely, you might also spot a park ranger walking around.


But your job is elsewhere. You have to find five books that are cleverly hidden throughout the picture. Can you do it in less than one minute?

Once you’ve given it your best shot, scroll down to verify your answer!



What are your thoughts on these puzzles? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more tests and challenges, follow us on Facebook!