Categories: Daily top 10FunQuiz

9 Out Of 10 People Can’t Spot The Odd TREE In This Picture! But Can You Find It In Just 10 Seconds?

Solving riddles and puzzles is a fun way to improve your thinking skills, keep your memory sharp, and reduce stress levels.


That is why we have prepared another picture puzzle that you can enjoy with your friends and family! Are you ready for this new challenge that has been leaving many people baffled? Not many people can spot the odd tree in this picture but what about you?


Take a look at the image below and see if you can beat this challenge within the time frame!


The picture shows identical trees but one of them is actually different from the rest! Can you spot the odd one out in 10 seconds?


If you have already found the different tree, congratulations! You are one of the few people who managed to locate it right away.

But if you’re still looking for it, don’t fret as you can scroll down to see the answer. Before you do, make sure that you have already tried your best!


You can also ask your friends or family for help as doing so will definitely double the fun!

Giving up? Scroll down to see where the odd tree is!


Let’s try another picture puzzle!


One of these numbers is different from the rest but not many people can spot the odd one out!

Can you find it in just 10 seconds? Let’s see if you can beat this challenge within the time frame!


The picture shows number 6s but one of them has a different design! Have you spotted it out yet?


Scroll down to confirm your answer…


Were you able to solve both picture puzzles? Let us know in the comments section and SHARE this post with your friends and family to spread the fun!