Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

There’s Something Terribly Wrong With This Image! Can You Spot It?

There’s a major error in this picture, let’s see if you’ve got what it takes to solve this!


In today’s viral puzzle, we’re asking viewers to come forward and spot something that’s terribly wrong in this image. While we agree some challenges are super difficult, this one is not as hard but it does hide its fair share of tricks.


Can you spare a moment and figure out what exactly is going wrong in less than ten seconds?

Source: Timeless Life

While it might just look like any other man that’s rafting away, this puzzle is more than meets the eye.


The sailor here appears to be paddling his boat near the dock. With a patch of green land and the endless view of the sea in the background, there’s something else that you should focus your mind and eyes on.

Yes, there’s something that requires due focus and that’s an error!



Source: Timeless Life

As you can see, the boat lacks ROWLOCKS and without those, it must be so HARD for him to paddle. Don’t you agree?


Okay, let’s keep the mind-boggling riddle theme running in the right direction by moving on to challenge number two!

This challenge is another one that’s designed for those that love a little logic. Can you put that mind to the test and figure out the right answer?

Source: Small Joys

These three women claim to be this man’s wife. But the husband claims to have only married once in his life. Can you look at each woman carefully and possibly determine who the real wife is?


We know you’ll do it if you can put those minds to the test. Good luck!


It’s answer time and you know what that means! Let’s see how close you came!

Source: Small Joys

There’s only one woman with matching wedding rings. Did you see her too?


Don’t forget to give these puzzles a SHARE in your social circle because sharing is definitely the finest form of caring!