Categories: Healthlife

21-Year-Old With Rare Condition Reveals Her Fiancé Loves Her Bald Head

Watch 21-Year-Old Girl Speak Out About Her Condition That Causes Her To Lose Hair!


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A 21-year-old girl has spoken out about her rare condition that causes her hair to fall out and revealed that her fiancé has accepted and loves her bald head.

Washington-based Sierra Dawn is suffering from a condition called alopecia totalis which results in making her body believe that hair is a foreign object that should be eliminated.

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“Alopecia is an auto immune disorder that causes your body’s immune system to somehow for whatever reason think that your hair is a foreign body or virus,” the 21-year-old said in an interview with Barcroft TV.


“I remember the doctor looking at that spot and telling me it looks a lot like alopecia, and I had never heard of that word before and at that time I struggled to even pronounce it.

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“I remember very clearly the first day it happened. It was the very end of my 8th year and I was in gym class. We were running around the track and it was quite a hot day in California.


“I ended up sweating a lot on my head and with sweat, it would get a little bit itchy. I remember reaching behind my head and I scratched one spot that was quite irritated at the time. And then I noticed I felt something almost release from my scalp.

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“It was such an odd feeling. It was almost like something was plucked out of me. And I withdrew my hand and I looked down and I saw at least 8 hairs within my hand. And all of them had the entirety of the hair root.


“I just brushed it off at that time. However, I didn’t realize that it was going to get much, much worse from there. My hair continued to fall out in that same exact spot over and over.”

As the young woman admitted, things spiraled out of control soon after she lost her first locks of hair.

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“Every time I washed my head, whenever I scratched it, whenever I just brushed it or with my hand, more and more would come out just from that particular spot. And what was a pea-sized bald spot became the size of a tangerine,” Sierra added.


While there is no known cure for alopecia, Sierra was finally able to feel normal, and meet the love of her life, after she sought safe haven on an online forum.

“I wanted to be able to go to a place even if it was online where I just felt normal for once, I didn’t want to feel like I was the spectacle of the world so I found an online platform that I joined,” Dawn admitted.


“So I had the ability of people looking me from the inside and me being able to express, oh I like these things and this is who I am instead of people just seeing me as the bald one.”

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Speaking to her fiancé Zane, the girl said:


“So I joined that and he was actually one of the first people on there, he was on the very top of the list and when I looked at you I thought that you were super cute.

“I remember the feeling I had when I first Skyped him as well, I was very scared because I didn’t really inform him about what I looked like, I didn’t tell him that I was losing all my hair.


“I was kind of looking at you waiting for you to say something but you never did and that was the first time ever, ever since my condition started that someone didn’t even question it.”

Thanks to Zane’s acceptance of her looks, Sierra was able to accept and appreciate who she was and how she looked like as well.


“When I first saw her in the video chat I thought she was really cute. And I did notice her baldness. I didn’t care whether it was something wrong with her physiologically or whether it was a fashion statement. It didn’t bother me,” Zane added.


“She thanks me all the time for treating her like a normal human being and being a good partner and every time I ask her why she is thanking me for doing something that comes so naturally like, it is not a big deal and never has been.”

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