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Cats Caught On Camera Behaving Strangely Just Moments Before An Earthquake

YouTube '猫カフェ キャッチー'

These cats were behaving strangely just before the earthquake occurred.


A video showing the behavior of cats just before an earthquake was uploaded on the YouTube channel ‘Cat Cafe Catch’.

YouTube ‘猫 カ フ ェ キ ャ ッ チ ー’

Eleven cats were leisurely lying around in a cat cafe in Osaka.


The 11 cats lying down freely lift their heads at the same time and look around with their eyes wide open. It seems like they have sensed a big threat.

There is nothing strange happening inside the cafe but the cats were startled and anxious.

The cats started to run and hide under the cafe table, in the corner, and so on.

YouTube ‘猫 カ フ ェ キ ャ ッ チ ー’

A few seconds later, an earthquake struck the building and books and objects in the drawer fell off.


The cats had shown this abnormal behavior just before the earthquake.

YouTube ‘猫 カ フ ェ キ ャ ッ チ ー’

According to experts, animals such as dogs and cats have more developed hearing and smelling senses than humans.


In the case of hearing, a person can detect ultrasonic waves up to 17000Hz, while cats can detect anything up to 79,000Hz.

Experts argue that cracks in the ground, changes in groundwater level, changes in gravity, and deformation of ground before an earthquake occurrence can be detected firsthand by animal senses.


Although the claim that animals can recognize natural disasters before humans has been steadily raised, there is no scientific evidence to prove this.