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Restaurant Causes Fury After Pregnant Woman KICKED Out Because Of Her Outfit

A pregnant woman recently expressed her great outrage and dismay after the restaurant she visited forced her to leave due to her attire.


According to local media reports, the woman claims that the restaurant blatantly refused to serve her because the outfit she had on did not adhere to their guidelines. Charisha Gobin claims that she was starving and did not have anything to eat because of the attitude and behavior of the cafe’s management.

Source: YouTube

After arriving, the staff refused her entry and asked her to leave because they claimed they had a ‘no shoes, no shirt, no service policy.’


They believe that Charisha’s outfit which comprised of a crop top that went on to reveal her baby bump just was not appropriate. Therefore, they had no choice but to kick her out on that basis.

Meanwhile, the pregnant mum claims that there was way more to the story than just that. “I was seven and a half months pregnant,” she explained but that simply made no difference to them. “I was rudely asked to leave over an outfit,” she told CBS during her live interview.

Source: Kiwi Report

“It was just unbelievable how they were behaving with me. I even asked them twice if they were really being serious with me right now because it just did not make sense,” she continued to rant.


The pregnant mother says that this was the discrimination of the worst kind, just because she was heavily pregnant. “If I was not expecting, I don’t think anyone would ever have any issue with the way I was dressed,” she revealed.

Source: Glamour

On that note, Charisha decided to share everything that happened with her on social media to help raise awareness and highlight the matter. Plenty of viewers held the opinion that there was nothing wrong with her outfit and the restaurant should not have behaved in that manner.

Source: Kiwi Report

Do you believe the restaurant was out of line in terms of kicking her out? Let us know in the comments section and don’t forget to share the story with others too!