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Restaurant Owner Shouts At Diners After They Start Twerking Inside His Restaurant

A restaurant owner has sparked a massive debate after scolding his customers for twerking in his restaurant.


Kevin Kelley, the owner of Dallas-based True Kitchen + Kocktails, went viral after his rant in which he lashed out at the diners who stepped on a table inside his restaurant and started twerking.

©Ben Torres – Special Contributor at the Dallas Morning News [left] / ©Kevin Kelley via Facebook [right]

As the businessman insisted, several women from three different tables twerked inside his restaurant while upbeat soundtracks were playing in the background.


Despite repeatedly pleading with the groups to stop twerking, the staff failed to get the women to stay off the furniture and respect their wishes.

©Kevin Kelley via Facebook – Pictured A Group Being Nicely Asked To Stop Twerking

Eventually, the restaurant owner lost his patience and decided to raise his voice in order to be taken seriously.

©@SoCalJCred via Twitter

Interrupting the ‘party’, Mr. Kelley shouted:

“I invested a lot of money into buying this building and developing this concept so black people can have somewhere nice to go to. Somewhere we can feel good about ourselves.”


After telling the DJ to stop the music, the restaurant owner continued: “All this twerking and s***… don’t bring it here because we’re a restaurant.

©Ben Torres – Special Contributor at the Dallas Morning News – Pictured Kevin Kelley (left)

“75% of my customers are ladies. And I want men to show respect for themselves and how they carry themselves when they’re here.


“So how can I tell men to respect themselves when you guys are twerking on glass? If you want to do that, then get the f*** out of my restaurant. Because I did it for our people and I did it for our culture.”

After the diners gasp in shock, Kelley warns them not to do it again. “I don’t want to hear it. If you don’t like it, get out because I don’t need your money,” he adds.


After the video of the confrontation went viral, many people defended the businessman saying it was okay for him not to approve of twerking in his establishment. Others also suggested that it was rude of female diners to twerk at a restaurant while surrounded by so many diners.

Source – Twitter

Some people, however, have lashed out at the business owner and slammed him for his approach in handling the issue.

Source – Twitter
Source – Twitter

Following the social media frenzy surrounding the twerking incident, Kelley doubled down on his thoughts in an official statement.

Source – Twitter

“We created TRUE for it to be a place music could be enjoyed while we sit and eat. No song played is an excuse to stand on our furniture and do what this lady did,” he said.


“As for my delivery, I can assure you I was a gentleman earlier, but my nice words weren’t respected. TRUE will be for some and not all and this is ok.”

The restaurant owner also spoke out in an interview with TMZ Live and insisted he doesn’t want to see twerking in his restaurant even though he doesn’t have anything against the dancing style.

©Kevin Kelley via Facebook – Pictured A Woman Twerking Inside Kelley’s Restaurant

“We have so many classy and nice black women who come to this restaurant that define what TRUE Kitchen + Kocktails is, and the actions of the women standing on the sofa and pushing on the glass to twerk is not that,” he said.


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