Categories: FunlifeQuiz

How Many Rhinos Are Hiding In This Picture? Only 5% Of People Can Spot Them All!

It’s time to put your eyes to the test and sharpen your observation skills with a fun puzzle.


Most of us like to believe that we excel in spotting hidden objects and this challenge will determine whether you’re right or wrong about your skills.

©Irina Cheremisinova via Getty Images

Rhinoceroses are majestic creatures that are native to many beautiful places throughout Africa, Europe, and Asia. Members of some species can weigh up to 5,000 pounds and can live as long as 50 years.


Now that you know a bit more about these creatures, take a close look at the picture above and count the rhinos! While you may find the question silly at first, keep in mind that there are plenty more rhinos in the picture than meets the eye!

Source – Pixabay

How many rhinos were you able to find? How long did it take you?


You might be surprised to learn that there are a total of 13 rhinos hiding in the picture! While most of them are the same size, some are much smaller – and therefore easier to hide – than the rest.

If you’re still not sure how we got to the number 13, have another look at the picture on top before scrolling down to see the solution!

©Irina Cheremisinova via Getty Images

Now that you know how all of this works, another challenge shouldn’t pose any problems. This time, your job is to count elephants.


If you want your task to be even more challenging, you can also set a timer to 20 seconds and see if you can find all the animals in such a short time.

©Irina Cheremisinova via Getty Images

Before we reveal the solution, keep in mind that there are more elephants than rhinos, so if you only spotted 13 or less you better check again!

©Irina Cheremisinova via Getty Images

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