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Test Your Intelligence: Only A Few People Can Correctly Answer This Riddle! Can You Solve It Too?

Riddles and puzzles are great for boosting critical thinking skills and improving concentration.


With all the daily pressures and worries in life, everyone needs to take a break and just clear their mind.

Some activities like riddle solving can help you relax and get better at maintaining focus in general. The brain loves to learn, so we have prepared another brainteaser that you and your family will surely enjoy! Are you ready?


This riddle looks easy but it can also be confusing as you try to think of the answer.

“What can you find once in a minute, once in a month, but never in a year?”


How is that even possible? There are 525,600 minutes or 12 months in a year but how come you can never find ‘it’ in a year?

Riddles are made to trick the brain and this one requires challengers to think outside the box.


Have you figured out the correct answer yet? If yes, congratulations! But if not, don’t worry as many others also found it very difficult.


Here’s a tip: Try to read the riddle again and you might find the answer!

You can view the answer below. But before you do, try to push your brain to its limits. There is no for you to be faster than others. What’s important is that you’ll be able to find the right answer.


Okay, ready to see the answer? Let’s see if you managed to get it right!


Answer: The letter M.

Here’s another riddle for you!


“A man dies of old age on his 25th birthday. How is this possible?”


Answer: The man was born on the 29th of February. His 25th birthday was actually his 100th.


If you enjoyed these riddles, don’t forget to SHARE this post with your friends and family to spread the fun!