Categories: FunlifeQuiz

What Disappears As Soon As You Say Its Name? People Baffled By Simple And Yet Mind-boggling Riddle

People have been left gobsmacked by a mind-boggling riddle that is both incredibly hard and surprisingly easy at the same time.


While we know that our readers are especially gifted when it comes to intelligence, we fear it will take a genius to solve the riddle we have in store for you without having a look at the solution below.

Credit – VonVon

The riddle is short and simple. ‘What disappears as soon as you say its name?’

Source – Pexels

While some riddles require us to think hard and come up with a witty response, the riddle in question wants you to think logically and answer the question as straightforwardly as possible.

Source – Pixabay

Do you have an answer yet? Is it an object? Or perhaps an event? If you think you’ve got the right answer – or if you have no idea what the solution could be – feel free to scroll down and get amazed!

Source – Pixabay

The answer to this riddle is SILENCE, because silence literally ends as soon as you say its name – start talking.


If you’re upset that you didn’t get this one right and want to have another go at a different riddle, we’ve got one more in store for you!

Here it goes. ‘You see a boat filled with people. It has not sunk, but when you look again you don’t see a single person on the boat. Why?’

Source – Pixabay

Nope, they didn’t jump overboard and they’re not hiding anywhere. The reason why you don’t see a SINGLE person on the boat is that they aren’t SINGLE, they’re all married.


What are your thoughts on these riddles? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more news and stories, follow us on Facebook!

