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9 Out Of 10 People FAIL To Answer All FIVE Riddles! Can You Solve Them?

Solving riddles and puzzles is a great way for individuals to improve general knowledge, memory, problem-solving skills, cognitive skills, and concentration.


It also helps to improve IQ scores! That is why we have prepared another set of riddles that can boost your productivity and reduce stress levels at the same time.

Can you solve all five?

Bright Side

“If a rooster lays an egg on the top of a bell tower, from which side will the egg fall?”


Which side of the bell tower will the egg fall? This question is pretty tricky as it doesn’t mention the direction of the wind. Have you figured it out yet?

Here is the answer: Nowhere. Roosters don’t lay eggs.

Bright Side

“A white horse entered the Black Sea. How did it come out?”


Riddles make the simplest and easiest things seem difficult and this one is proof of that.

Here is the answer: The horse came out wet.

Bright Side

“There are 20 horses, 40 pigs, and 10 rabbits on a farm. If we call the ‘pigs’ ‘horses’ instead, how many horses will there be?’


Some people say there will be 60 horses while others say there will be 70. What do you think is the answer?

Here is the answer: Still 20 horses. No matter what you call the pigs, they are still pigs.

Bright Side

“What’s heavier, 10 pounds of tomatoes or 10 pounds of feathers?”


Many challengers were left baffled by this riddle but the answer to this is very simple. Have you figured it out?

Here is the answer: They are both 10 pounds.

Bright Side

“2 mothers and 2 daughters were traveling together in a car that only had 3 passengers. How is that possible?”


If there are two mothers and two daughters, there should be four people in the car, right? How come only had 3?

Here is the answer: The grandmother, mother, and daughter are in the car.

Were you able to solve all five riddles? Let us know in the comments section and SHARE this post with your friends and family to spread the fun!