Tinder, the new place in the world to meet partners and to go out on a date with.
With everything turning online, why should dating be the only thing left out?
While people worked really hard to get a date in person, getting a right swipe on Tinder with the perfect match can be a great deal too. But there is nothing much you can do about it except writing a great bio and uploading the best pictures you have of yourself.
Well, Natasha Reid was on Tinder to find the right guy for her too and just like in the real life, she found a lot of guys but that one guy was missing who would actually catch her eye.
Surprisingly it did not take much longer for that to happen. She matched with a guy named Lee who had all his pictures clicked in different corners of the house with an amazing collection of furniture and house decor.
The picture instantly got Natasha’s eye so she jumped over to his bio to know more about him.
That is when she got the shock which was quite clear if you ask us seeing the price tags on every piece of furniture. The guy in his bio had written that he loves taking pictures in IKEA and probably that was why his pictures had such beautiful furniture.
Natasha said that the amazing pictures Lee had uploaded made him stand out of the crowd and profiles like his definitely the right match everyone is looking for.
She said “I liked his profile on the very first instance I saw his pictures. Even if we do not end up going out on a date, I am sure that with such a profile he will definitely get a lot of them.”
Lee stood out of the crowd because of his creative poses and the mind-blowing furniture he had in the back grown. It is your turn to stand out now. Go get some clicks in the right background.
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