Categories: Healthlife

Scientists Have Developed A Vaccine That Blocks the Daily Pain and Struggle for Arthritis Patients

Hope has arrived as scientists have given the good news that they have developed a vaccination that may help treat their daily agony.


Osteoarthritis gives major pain to the sufferers and makes their daily life feel like a battleground where they are constantly fighting and as a result, their body is constantly aching.

To live through their day they have to depend on strong painkillers that may take away their pain for a while but at the end of the day is harming their body even more.

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Finally its a ray of hope coming as researchers from Oxford University which might block the very cause of agony called the nerve growth factor (NGF).


The vaccine was tested on mice and the result was positive. The vaccine was released in mice which triggered their immune system to work and fight against the natural NGF in mice by numbing the pain.

There are millions of people struggling every day with osteoarthritis and the disease is not letting them be free even for a moment. In the US alone there are 30 million people suffering from sickness and there are about 9 million people struggling with the same in the UK.


The biggest issue is not the pain but that there is no end to the pain. Till date, there was no cure for the sickness but the new findings appear to be the bright light for millions of people who need treatment.


“This is the first successful vaccination to target pain in osteoarthritis, one of the biggest healthcare challenges of our generation,”  Co-author of the study, Professor Tonia Vincent published in Annals of Rheumatic Disease.


The vaccine works by producing antibodies in the body that fights against NGF. The vaccine was tried on the mice that had unevenly distributed fat around hind legs which according to the scientists is a sign of extremely painful osteoarthritis.


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