If you have not been living under the rock for the past couple of months, you might be aware of applaud gathered by the new Joker movie.
Joaquin Phoenix’s depiction of the joker from the Batman series has received almost overall appreciation, barring the intensity of the dark crimes in the film.

Now, imagine a situation where you are in the theatre, enjoying this cinematic masterpiece and you are greeted by the man himself. Yes, one of the audiences of the film was fortunate enough to watch it with Joaquin Phoenix.
However, the humble soul was not expecting the amount of applause he received while entering the room and actually apologized for having interrupted the movie screening in the middle.

He, in fact, joked and pointed out at one of the audience members saying that “I can tell you’re mad at me.”
Joaquin also used his wits while asking the audience if they liked the movie as he humbled the question by adding that even if the audience didn’t like the movie, they need not tell it to him. It was either the wits or the film, but he received immense applause from the audience once again.
The actor is on rounds at a few LA cinemas to witness the reception of the film amongst the audience.
Joker has been nominated in 3 categories in the Oscars for the coming year, of which audience is sure that it has already bagged the Best Actor for Joaquin Phoenix.
Joaquin also responded to the accusations that the movie is too dark and intense that people have been walking out by saying that he considers it a compliment.
He seems glad that he could portray this dark character like it should have been portrayed and was actually successful in making audience uncomfortable with how dark Joker could be.
However, some audience members are finding the amount of dark crimes and intensity petrifying and are asking for a trigger warning for the ones buying the tickets. One of them tweeted, “I’ve just walked out of the Joker.
Maybe I was naive in going/didn’t realise what an origin story would be like, maybe because I live with someone with MH [mental health], it was just far too dark for me to be able to watch.”
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