Categories: Healthlife

Everything You Need To Know About ‘Sea Lice’ And How To Avoid Getting The Rash

Visit Pensacola

When Pensacola health officials issued health warnings about stinging sea lice, concern about the irritating red rash that the little critters can produce has raised concerns among Florida beachgoers.


But what people need to know is that “sea lice” are actually jellyfish. According to the Florida Department of Health, the term local residents in the 1950’s coined the term after a few of them suffered strange rashes after swimming along the coastal waters. Actual sea lice are tiny parasites that afflict fish but not humans.


The rash attributed to sea lice “is caused by miniature jellyfish larvae trapped under bathing suits when in the water,” according to a brochure from the Health Department’s website.

The brochure continues, “If pressure occurs from exercising, surfboards, lying on the beach, etc., stinging cells are released and cause itching, irritation, and welts.”

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Florida Department of Health

Health officials emphasize that despite the name, sea lice have nothing to do with head lice (a common affliction among young children and quite contagious).point 258 |


The jellyfish larvae actually can’t survive outside of warm salt water and once the swimmer is on dry land, they don’t remain on the body, reported the Pensacola News Journal.point 258 | 1


The rash is also called sea bather’s eruption and occurrences have been documented for several decades along the Florida coastline. Cases are usually high between March and August and shifts in ocean currents appear to lead to outbreaks.


Health officials do say that the intensity and frequency of outbreaks have spiked in recent years. But since most people treat themselves, there are no good estimates on the actual numbers. The southern part of the state (in Palm Beach and North Broward counties), where the Gulf Stream is closest to shore, usually gets the most outbreaks.


People affected by sea lice usually get a red, itchy rash several hours after exposure in the ocean and the rash lasts two to four days. A “prickling” sensation may also be felt while in the water.

However, people can suffer more serious reactions such as headache, fever, nausea, and infected blisters. Children may also get high fevers. If any of these reactions happen, see a doctor immediately even if there is no rash evident.


The good news is that most cases are not serious. Dave Greenwood, director of public safety for Pensacola Beach, told the Pensacola News Journal, “They aren’t very intense, which is why we call them sea lice and not sea hornets or sea wasps.”


Over-the-counter 1% cortisone skin cream or sting aid is usually enough to take care of the itching and irritation, states the Florida Department of Health, as well as an oral antihistamine such as Benadryl. If symptoms persist, consult your dermatologist or primary care physician.

Visit Pensacola

While not serious, these rashes can be very irritating, so it pays to be aware of how to avoid getting such a condition.


First of all, note any lifeguard postings about water-safety information before diving into the water in a public beach. And if there’s an advisory about sea lice, then don’t bother swimming. This is even more important if you had the condition before as you could become more vulnerable to another reaction.


Putting sunscreen can also help to prevent penetration of the skin by the larvae. Avoid wearing t-shirts in the water as well so that larvae are not caught between the skin and clothing.

It also helps to shower immediately after getting out of the water and ditching your bathing suit before stepping in the shower. And if you can confirm sea lice exposure, wash your bathing suits with detergent then dry them with heat. Early research on the condition has shown that re-wearing bathing suits that have air-dried can cause another bout of rashes.



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