Categories: Entertainmentlife

The Soul Seat Is An Office Chair That Lets You Sit Cross-Legged

My Soul Seat

Prolonged sitting has been proven to be not good for the health in the long run.


But it’s really hard to avoid especially if your job requires you to sit in front of the monitor the whole day. Of course, there are standing desks but not all companies have bought into that trend so you may be out of luck there.

Not only that, sometimes your table’s height may be all weird and your chair may not be that comfortable. So what’s a stressed office worker to do?


Fortunately, there are people who actually think of these types of problems and try to come up with a solution. One company decided to take a different approach and created a chair that allows you to sit cross-legged.

My Soul Seat

The Soul Seat is a chair invented by Health by Design and they had people who like sitting cross-legged in mind. Pack Matthews, the designer, and founder says he was just tired of the monotonous nature of typical office chair designs.


Working with friends who were physical therapists, yoga instructors, woodworkers, and industrial engineers, he came up with the Soul Seat.

But before you rejoice, do note that the Soul Seat isn’t cheap.

The regular version costs $875 while the Bamboo style version comes in at $1,200. The floor model version is the cheapest at $575. Of course, it all boils down to how much you think your comfort is worth.


The company says: “Our purpose is to design movement back into our daily work even as our computers gobble up more and more of our physical effort. Our chairs and floor desks are designed to help computer engineers stay active even as their coding makes wires evaporate into the cloud.


“Our furniture allows the student, the accountant, the videographer to move their legs and pelvis while their attention remains riveted to the monitor.”

My Soul Seat

For those who are flexible enough, the Soul Seat also allows you to sit on your knees with your legs folded underneath you.


If the Soul Seat sounds good but your wallet doesn’t agree, then you’ll have to remember to just keep good posture (shoulders back with chest out and back elongated). An inflatable pillow on the lower part of the chair may relieve the pressure on your back and maintaining your chair at a 100°- 110° angle is also a good idea.


In the meantime, you can always put the Soul Seat on the top of your bucket list of items you need to buy in this life.

