Categories: life

If You Can’t Sell Your Home Burying This Statue In Your Yard Might Help You!

Upgrading? Downsizing? Or simply looking for a new home that will satisfy all of your needs? Whatever the case is, we can all agree that selling your home is no easy job.


Apparently, however, this daunting task can be made a tad easier if you bury a special statue in your yard. Not just any statue will do; it has to be the statue of St. Joseph!

Source: A Day in the Wife

Yes, the same Joseph that was married to Jesus’ mother, the Virgin Mary.


Apparently, many people resort to Joseph when it comes to selling their homes. Why? It is believed that Joseph, who has been considered the patron saint of carpenters for millennia, is also the patron saint of modern homes and real estate management.

Source: Coastal Florida Real Estate

As the tradition and those who vouch for the saint’s effectiveness say, the help can be secured by appealing to St. Joseph by burying his statue in your yard.


While the rituals vary from place to place, Joseph statues are usually buried in the corners of the yards or in the flower pots by those who live in a condo. According to the believers, offering a prayer to the saint in addition to burying him also helps.


Despite many Christians shrugging upon this idea, there are plenty of people who strongly believe in it. As Stephen Binz reported in his book called Saint Joseph, My Real Estate Agent, one man threw away the statue after it didn’t help him right away only to find out that the local dump was being sold a few days later.


Besides St. Joseph, there are plenty of other saints that might help you depending on your needs.

St. Anthony, for example, is the patron saint of missing objects, making him ideal to pray to if you’ve lost your wallet or keys. St. Honoratus, on the other hand, is the patron saint of bakers that might help you master the cookie baking process.


How strong is your faith in the traditional belief that burying St. Joseph statue can help you sell your home? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post!



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