Categories: life

Senior Postman Stockpiled Over 24,000 Letters At His Home Because He Was Too Lazy To Deliver Them

A senior postman was fired from his job after it was found that he had stockpiled over 24,000 parcels throughout 17 years on the job because they were “too much bother” to deliver.


As the unnamed 61-year-old deliveryman said, he didn’t want to deliver the parcels but also didn’t want anyone to think that he was less capable than younger workers.

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To keep his name clean and have more free time, the postman had been stealing and hoarding letters at his home for an astonishing 17 years before he was caught.


“It was too much bother to deliver them,” the man from Kanagawa, Japan, said. “I didn’t want my colleagues to think I was less capable than younger people.”

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Besides getting fired from his job, the indolent postman is now also facing charges for “violating postal law” and could face up to three years in prison if convicted according to AFP.


As per the local reports, the postman has apologized to the people he had let down after he was arrested. He also promised to deliver all of the hoarded parcels to their intended destinations.


After the incident went viral, people were shocked to see just how much power over the parcels postmen have.


“He was doing this for 17 years before he finally got caught!? Can someone explain how come they didn’t get to him sooner…” someone wrote.


“Well, he obviously is LESS capable than younger people he wanted to impress,” another one said.


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