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A Waiter Served Non-Alcoholic Drinks To A Woman He Assumed Was ‘Pregnant’

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Watch to find out more about this incident.


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One of the hallmarks of fantastic customer service is anticipating the customer’s needs almost before the customer knows it themselves. Of course, when you get your assumptions wrong, there can be trouble to pay for it as one server found out after he decided on his own to serve a female customer non-alcoholic drinks after wrongfully assuming that she was pregnant.


The story appeared on Reddit’s “Am I the As*****” subreddit, a place where people can share situations that got them in trouble and ask users if they really were in the wrong. In this case, the server in question was overwhelmingly voted as being the a******. Read the story for yourself and see why.


The waiter, going by the Reddit name YouGottaStopThat, explained that a group of four women ordered their first round of cocktails. But as he was handing over their order, he thought he overheard one of them say that she was “14 weeks along.” The waiter took that to mean that she was pregnant.

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While he had no problem serving a “pregnant” woman one alcoholic drink, he became uneasy when the four women again ordered another round of cocktails. And that’s when he made the second mistake.


Without informing the customer or the manager, the server approached the bartender. He wrote in his post: “I went to the bartender. and asked him to make one of them a virgin cocktail. He was confused but since he’s a good friend of mine, I told him to just trust me.”


So the bartender followed the request and so whenever the “pregnant” customer and her friends ordered another round, the waiter would keep handing over the virgin cocktail to the woman without her knowing.”I figured that since she didn’t notice, things were OK,” he added.


The situation only got more problematic as apparently, the water was planning to charge the woman full price for what were non-alcoholic drinks. However, an entry on the receipt unraveled his whole scheme. It turns out that the bartender correctly labeled the non-alcoholic drinks as “virgin.” After the women paid and left their tips, the “pregnant” customer came back asking some questions.


The poster continued: “Several minutes later Mrs. Pregnant Woman came back and asked what (virgin) on the receipt meant. I fessed up that it meant non-alcoholic. She blankly stared me for a few seconds and then asked if she had ordered a non-alcoholic cocktail. I said no, but told her that I assumed she wanted one seeing as she was pregnant.”

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After that cringe-worthy exchange, the woman withdrew her part of the tip and called for the manager. Afterward, the manager “literally shrieked at me until hoarse.” She also suspended the waiter and added that what he did could “get the restaurant in serious trouble for discrimination.”


Fortunately, the customer must have been placated by the manager taking her side and no further action was taken.

Many users pointed out that there were many issues here, from the server deciding on a unilateral course of action based on a snippet of conversation that he overheard all the way to charging people for something they ordered but didn’t actually get. And that’s why this guy got the overwhelming response that yes, he’s the as******.