We have all heard that saving a life is the greatest thing you can do and by this, it does not mean the greatness only counts when you are saving the life of a human.
To star in the live-action of Lady and the Tramp, Disney has brought a dog out of a kill shelter to be Tramp in the movie.
Yes, the roadside dog that had been living in one after other kill shelter is going to star in the live-action movie by Disney and will become a star overnight.
The two-year-old terrier mix is called Monte and the dog is simply adorable. He was spotted by the animal’s trainer of the film while he was still at the kill shelter.
This is a coincidence or maybe just a great sign for the film because Monte has lived the life the star of the movie Tramp lives in the movie.
Both have been stray dogs, in and out of shelters and both understand the pain of life because they have lived it.
Monte was in line to be euthanized in New Mexico kill shelter where he was rescued by HALO Animal Rescue which then transferred him to a shelter in Phoenix.
This is where the animal’s trainer of the film Lady and the Tramp, Mark Forbes found the pup and saw that he has the potential to act out the character.
Mark Forbes adopted the dog from the shelter where he was transferred just seven days ago. He then trained the dog and made him audition in front of the Disney selection team.
HALO the rescue team then made Forbes promise that after the film is over and they do not need Monte anymore, he won’t go back living on the street and will be a family dog only.
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“Dog Was Chained Up His Entire Life, Gets Second Chance At Happiness”
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