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Stepfather And Daughter Passed Away In Tragic Shower Accident While Home Was Under Reconstruction

y3 20.png?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Stepfather And Daughter Passed Away In Tragic Shower Accident While Home Was Under Reconstruction

Electric shock may look like a funny incident in movies and animation but it is one of the most dangerous things in the world.


Once a person is attracted by the electric current, there is a very little chance for them to be saved.

As kids and as adults, we are always made aware of the measures we should be taking while are dealing with electric current and open wires because they are extremely dangerous for humans as well as animals. A little shock is enough to kill and send a human down to ashes.


This is what happened when a little girl went inside the bathroom to take a shower, without noticing that there were open electric wires on the floor.


In order to save her, her stepfather rushed into the bathroom too and died on the spot after suffering from the current, the mother of the girl tried to save the two by pulling them out and got her hands severely burned.

The incident happened yesterday evening in the house the family had recently moved into the town of Arvert in south-western France.


According to the reports, the house was under reconstruction and that is how there were open wires on the bathroom floor. The girl must not have noticed them and turned on the shower. The water then conducted the current and killed the stepfather and the daughter.


The police said none other appliance at the house was affected by the incident and the reason for the incident was the open wires on the floor.


The mother who is told to be about 29 years old rushed to the bathroom to find her boyfriend and her daughter on the wet bathroom floor. She quickly rushed to cut the electric supply and then tried to save her family. In the struggle, her hands got some serious burns.


Although police have not given out any official reports yet, the case is still under investigation.

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