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Man Yells At His Newlywed Wife On First Day Of Honeymoon. It Turns Out His Condition Is Not As Usual

Most often our first thought, when we notice odd behavior in people that are close to us, is that they must be undergoing an emotional reaction to one event or another.


This is the thought that came to Emma Cotillard’s mind when she noticed strange behavior in her husband just after their nuptials.point 111 | When Justin, her fiancé, started acting erratic ally, she assumed it was cold feet caused by the apprehensive expectation of the coming wedding.point 234 |


It is often heard that grooms to experience a lot of anxiety as they prepare to enter into matrimony.point 83 | Emma and their family and friends did not give much thought to Justin’s odd behavior.point 156 | They were all busy preparing a beautiful wedding for the couple.point 210 | 1


Unfortunately, Emma would come to realize, not long after that, that there was more to it than just the proverbial cold feet. After an amazing wedding ceremony, the newlyweds headed to their honeymoon destination.


Emma was expecting their first child. She was 7 months pregnant. One morning, she was shocked to wake up to her husband yelling at her. He was demanding that she leaves their room immediately. She couldn’t believe her eyes and ears.

They were on their honeymoon – a time for them to celebrate each other, and her husband was already yelling at her.


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He seemed not to care about her condition as he seemed quite angry as he screamed at her to leave the room. It was definitely not the kind of behavior to expect from a man who only days before had vowed to love her for the rest of their lives.

Emma said he looked at her like he didn’t know who she was. It was as if she was some stranger and not his new wife who was expecting their first child in a few months. She was so upset and disappointed but she knew something was not right with her husband.


Because of Justin’s strange behavior, the couple had to end their honeymoon immediately. Justin needed to be examined by his doctor.


The doctor ordered an MRI immediately. Nothing could have prepared Justin and his wife for the result. The MRI scan revealed that he had an aggressive and fatal brain tumor. It was agonizing news for the couple.
Doctors informed him that if he chose surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, he had a chance of extending his life for two years.


Due to these distressing circumstances, it was no surprise when Emma went into early labor. She gave birth to a baby girl, five weeks before her due date.

They named her Mia. She was born on the 17th day of August which by chance was the day that Justin started radiation. They were indeed happy and relieved that their baby girl was healthy, but Justin’s health cast a gloomy cloud over the new family.


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To make matters worse, Justin could only see Mia on the weekends, as that was what his radiation therapy schedule permitted. Justin went through all the recommended treatments. But when doctors performed another scan on him, the bad news was revealed.


He had been under treatment for four months but the scan showed that the tumor had increased in size and metastasized. It had been a long while since the doctors had seen such an aggressive tumor. Justin’s condition was grim. The family had to face the fact that he would not live for long. Emma has revealed that she was given to take her husband home before he died.


She was devastated.

She had a little baby to take care of and her husband was dying. Mia would have to grow up without her dad and her young marriage had been cut short. She did her best to make the last days with her husband would be special.

But Justin was a fighter and he ended up living for seven more months. Emma was glad and this gave her husband the chance to spend more time with their baby daughter. He not only celebrated his 30th birthday but he got to spend Christmas with his baby girl. He was grateful for that chance.


Toward the end of the seventh month, his health had so much deteriorated that he had to be admitted to hospice care. It was now impossible for Emma to take care of him at home. She and Mia would be visiting him at the hospital. Despite this, Justin kept pushing on. His love and concern for his daughter were the pushing factors.


During that month, Mia had chicken pox and had to stay away from her father for a while. Justin was sad. Seeing Mia was the highlight of his final days. It seemed Justin needed to see his baby for one last time to make sure that she was okay. His nurses noticed his longing for his daughter.


The kind nurses decided to make an exception for Justin so he could say goodbye to his little girl.

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But when Emma and Mia were about to get into the room, it was discovered that Justin had just passed away. He died moments before he could see his daughter. Before bringing Mia, Emma had been to Justin’s room. She said that she sat down on his bed and let him know that Mia was on the way. He had seemed so glad to hear that.


She believes that is when he let go. He was sure that his daughter was okay. He died after that. Since her husband’s death in May 2016, Emma has dedicated herself to a new mission. She wants to bring awareness to brain tumor symptoms.


She believes that if they can be recognized much earlier, the patients will have more of a fighting chance than her dear Justin. They would get treatment earlier and prolong their lives. It was after Justin’s death when Emma was going through their photo album that she noticed in one of the photographs, that the right side of his face was drooping…


What a tragic story? Please wish all of the happiness in Emma and Mia’s life even without their husband and dad in the comment section below.

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