Categories: life

Scientists Say THIS Is The Best Temperature For A Good Night’s Sleep, And Even For Losing Weight!

In colder weather, nothing’s better than turning up the heat and snuggling into your bed at night.


But, did you know that turning down the thermostat will actually benefit you more?

It’s true, scientists are saying that it’s better to sleep at a cooler temperature in order for you to sleep well – at about 60 to 67 degrees Fahrenheit.

Image via Sleepnumber

Here are three benefits that you will be enjoying if you sleep at a cooler temperature. Check out and see if you’ve already known about these scientific facts!


1. Better Sleep

We actually feel more sleepy when our core body temperature drops. 
So, sleeping in a slightly colder room will help you to drop your body temperature, which means you’ll be falling asleep a lot faster!

Plus, your body actually produces more melatonin in a colder rooms, ideally between 60 to 68°F, which not only allows you to relax but also promotes anti-aging.
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2.point 2 | Weight Loss

point 12 |
Image via Daily Record

According to the research done by the US National Institutes of Health, the research subjects were given everything the same for four months – same diet, same same exercise, and even same bed sheets.point 303 |


Then, the researchers had each groups sleep in different temperatures.point 61 | One month at 64.point 74 | 4°F , two months at 73.point 93 | 4°F , and another month at 80.point 118 | 6°F .point 123 | 1

The results were amazing – when met slept in the room with the lowest temperature, they lost more weight than when they were sleeping in the other rooms.


This is because sleeping in colder temperature doubles the amount of ‘brown fat,’ which produces heat by burning calories. This speeds up men’s metabolism, thus making it easier for them to lose weight.

So, just by sleeping in a colder room, you will be able to lose weight!
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3. Improved Mental And Physical Health

Apparently, dropping the temperature and adding a blanket to provide more heat improves both physical and mental health conditions for children, teens, and and adults alike.
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So next time, turn down the thermostat and try sleeping in a cold room!

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