Categories: Healthlife

Smoking Can Significantly Reduce The Size Of Your Erection, Experts Say

Experts have said smoking could significantly reduce the size of your erection.


Yes, it is the news no man wants to hear, but it could prevent you from reaching your full size if you continue to smoke.

Experts say there are many lifestyle factors that can affect a man’s erectile firmness. Even though Mary Samplaski, the director of male infertility at the University of Southern California, said it is difficult to determine exact causes of male shrinkage but one that has been found to have an effect is smoking.


“There’s not really a medical tool for measuring penis shrinkage. What we do know is that smoking and age can cause a decline in testosterone production,” she said.

General view of screws, a tape measure and a spirit level.

Cigarettes contain toxins that can damage the blood vessels in your penis, according to Medical News today.


During a study at Boston University of Medicine, 200 men were examined and it was discovered that smokers were some way off from non-smokers.

The research concluded that smoking prevents proper blood flow to genitals, stopping the penis from stretching completely.


However, it is not only smoking that can see a decrease in the size of your man thing. Exercise also contributes to the reduction of size but for only a very short period of time.


Dr. Richard Honaker said: “It all has to do with blood flow. When working out, the body sends blood to the muscles and joints, thus reducing the amount to the penis and scrotum.”

It is advisable for men to exercise at least three times a week to increase testosterone levels, prevent blood vessels from stretching, and remove plaque that can calcify.


Dr. Samplaski also warns obesity is a huge factor in causing short length in the pants department as fat has an enzyme that turns testosterone into estrogen.


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