Categories: Daily top 10FunQuiz

90% Of Viewers Couldn’t Find The Snowman Among Snowflakes! But Can You Spot It?

Christmas or not, it is always pleasant to look at evergreen trees and snowflakes.


That is why we have here a winter-themed puzzle that features snowflakes, smiley faces, white stars, and evergreen trees.

But there is a snowman hiding among snowflakes! Do you think you can find it?


This puzzle, created by Dudolf, can be a little confusing because the snowman you need to search for is also white.


Most of the white balls have smiley faces but don’t let their cuteness distract you from finding the snowman!

Have you spotted it yet? If not, do not fret as you are not the only one. This puzzle is also difficult for many others!


If you have found the snowman, congratulations! But if you are still struggling, here’s a tip: look closely at the left side of the photo.


Don’t give up!

If you still can’t find the snowman, keep scrolling to see its location.


Here’s another puzzle that will put your observation skills to the test.


There is a panda among the pills – how fast can you find it?

There are different types of pills in this puzzle and challengers must find the panda hiding in the photo.

It may seem difficult at first but once you see it, you can’t unsee it anymore!


This puzzle features small, medium and large black and white pills, making it almost impossible to find the panda.


But the adorable animal is just there staring at you! Have you seen it yet?

If you are still struggling, pay more attention to the middle left part of the photo and you might just find your luck!

You can also scroll down to find the exact location of the panda.


How long did it take you to find the snowman and the panda? Let us know in the comments section and SHARE this post with your family and friends!