How hard is to wake up to the news of the death of someone you love with all your heart? It is devastating, especially when it is your child.
What makes it even more difficult to handle is that they did not die in an accident but were killed by someone. Imagining the amount of pain they had to go through will make your heart wrench even more.

This is what Samantha Josephson’s parents, family, and friends are going through right now. She was just a 21 years old student who went out to have fun but was found dead the next morning.
It would have been someone extremely cruel who killed the young student.

According to her friends, Samantha had ordered a cab to go home while they were leaving from the bar on Friday night. It was around 2 a.m.
When she went outside of Bird Dog bar to take her cab and sat inside a black colored Chevy Impala thinking of the vehicle as her cab. Later her cab arrived and canceled the trip when she did not come to the pickup spot.
According to the surveillance cameras, Samantha took the cab from Five Points area and later was found dead in the rural areas of South Caroline.
Her body was discovered by a turkey hunter the next day. He then contacted the police who found out it was Samantha.
The car in which the student was last seen was captured by the police department on Saturday at about 3 a.m., almost a day later. The car had Samantha’s blood and her cell phone in it.
Her death came out as a devastating shock to her family and friends. After the police department found her dead, her university made the announcement of her death too social media.
Her father in his Facebook post wrote, “My heart is broken in a million pieces as I announce that my little girl has left the world. We are going to miss her and love her every single day of our lives.”
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