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Man Dressed As Spider-Man Is Delivering Groceries To Isolated People Amid The Pandemic

A man dressed in a Spider-Man costume has been praised for his compassionate acts of kindness after it came to light that he has been shopping and delivering groceries to people who self-isolated during the coronavirus pandemic.


39-year-old Steve Goodwin literally works as a superhero whereas he typically dresses as a Spider-Man to entertain children during events like birthdays.

Credit – Hook News

With the global pandemic leading millions of people in self-isolation, Mr. Goodwin also came upon the idea to become a real-life hero by donning his mask to help those in need.


Since then, the West Sussex-based has been doing frequent runs to the store and delivering groceries to fellow residents who are self-isolating.

Credit – Hook News

“The whole idea is to give people something to smile about while helping out self-isolating families. Everyone loves it… People need a bit of cheering up right now,” Goodwin said.

Credit – Hook News

While Goodwin is a true hero, he remained humble as he insisted that the real heroes are “health workers, teachers, delivery drivers and shopkeepers.”

Credit – Hook News

“Never mind all the celebrities and footballers earning silly money. This crisis is making us all appreciate the people who really matter,” he added.

Credit – Hook News

Speaking of Good Samaritans who are stepping out of their way to help others, four kind and compassionate kids have banded together to buy gifts for nurses and doctors who are working hard to treat COVID-19 patients.


As Kaleisha Pilkington from Australia explained, her four children decided to assist medical workers who are battling the pandemic by preparing them gift bags and a heartwarming poem.

“Dear Superheroes in Scrubs, some days you may feel like giving up, maybe admitting defeat, days when you don’t get to stop or even have something to eat,” the letter given to medical professionals at Perth’s Fiona Stanley Hospital read.

Kaleisha Pilkington – Facebook

“Things are crazy, resources you lack, we hope this helps when you need a snack. When you get a second to breath, and we really hope you do, please grab a snack… better yet, two. Love the Pilkington Family.”


After the act of kindness went viral, social media users praised Kaleisha for raising thoughtful kids and helping them pull through with their plan to gift healthcare workers.

Speaking of the compassionate gesture to Daily Mail Australia, the proud mother said she hopes that more kids will be taught how to be kind because “the world currently lacks – empathetic, thoughtful and kind humans.”


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