Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

Can You Spot The Difference In This Popular Graphic?

q2 24.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Can You Spot The Difference In This Popular Graphic?

Here is a perfectly curated eyesight challenge that’s designed to test your attention to small details.


In life, you’ll come across two types of people on a usual basis. While some people are easy to impress and tend to live life by going with the flow, others, on the other hand, aren’t the same. The latter is focused on paying attention to the smallest of details. And that’s why you’ll usually find them picking out things that appear out of place, more so than others.

Source; A Better Interview

These people are also better at puzzles, riddles, and challenges, similar to ones that encompass a theme like this one shown below.


To help buzz away those morning blues or simply add a little fun to your not-so-interesting day- here is a challenge that’s super cute, engaging, and an absolute treat to solve.

Scroll down below and see what’s the hype all about. Remember, it’s a test for the eyes so make sure you keep a good lookout for what’s being asked towards the end. Good luck and happy viewing!

Source: TED

The Challenge

In the image shown below, you have a picture riddle that entails everyone’s favorite cartoon show for generations. And no matter how old you may be, Tom n Jerry has no match with other newer cartoons because the magic found here just isn’t present anywhere else.

Source: Snap Deal

In this particular challenge, the illustrators of the puzzle have put up two pictures. While they certainly appear to be mirror images of one another, that’s definitely not the case.


There is one thing that’s present in Picture A that can’t be found in Picture B! Do you spot that odd detail? If yes, write down your findings in the comments section, and don’t forget to share the viral fun with others too.

Source: View Full Net

The Solution

The answer is shown in the image below! We hope this puzzle wasn’t too tricky for you!



Source: View Full Net