Categories: FunlifeQuiz

How Fast Can You Spot The Woman’s Lover? Most People Couldn’t See Him!

Having the ability to concentrate and analyze your surroundings is one of the most practical skills one can have.


To train your eyes and mind to perform better under pressure, we have come up with another series of brain teasers.


In the picture above, you can see a lady watering the plants outside her home. Since her lover is nearby, she is also smiling from ear to ear!


Your job is to find out where the man is hiding in under 30 seconds to pass this test. Look closely, we can guarantee that he’s somewhere in there.

Source – Pixabay

Did you spot the man yet? He’s about to surprise the lady with a bunch of flowers any time now!


Here’s a hint to help you out in case you’re still looking for the man. The lady’s eyes are facing her lover. Like we’ve said before, she is definitely expecting him!

By now, you’ve probably realized that the man is hiding behind the tree on the right side of the picture. If you zoom in, you’ll see a part of his head and his shoe which blends in perfectly with the tree.


How long did it take you to spot the woman’s lover? Let us know in the comments before moving onto the next challenge.


In this next picture, you can see a couple on their date. Not everything, however, is going as planned. While the guy is struggling to find his wallet, the girl is giggling as if she knew exactly where it was.

Save the guy from embarrassment and find his wallet!

Credit – Bright Side

If you still haven’t found the wallet, you better hurry up. The waiter doesn’t look too amused. And neither are we. Come on, you can do it!

Credit – Bright Side

Did you pass both visual tests? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more riddles and puzzles, follow us on Facebook!