Categories: FunlifeQuiz

90% Of Viewers Couldn’t Spot The Man’s Missing Bottle! How Fast Can You Find It?

A tavern keeper from the past is here to ask you for your helping in finding his missing bottle.


If you think you’ve got what it takes to spot hidden objects and solve viral mysteries, you’ve come to the right place. Today, our puzzle will take you to the times of yore and test both your patience and vision.

Let’s get started. Take a closer look at the image below and try to find the man’s missing bottle!


As you can see in the picture, the business owner is in the basement of an old tavern where he is looking for the missing bottle of his finest wine.


Since he couldn’t find it for hours, he’s trying to remember where he had last seen it. But it doesn’t look like he is making any progress. Help him find the bottle before all of his customers leave!

Zoom in and have another look at the puzzle to crack the mystery.

Source – Pixabay

If you still haven’t found the bottle, keep in mind that it might not look like bottles you’re used to. This is an imaginary situation, and you’re going to have to open your mind to see the bottle!


Make sure to only scroll down once you’ve already tried your best. Here comes the solution:


Do you see that shape between the man’s legs? That’s the missing bottle! It was right beneath him this entire time.


If you enjoyed this challenge, you might also want to help out an elderly man who is forced to wander around the town without his lamp. Find the lamp before he falls and injures himself!


Once again, you’re going to have to think outside the box to spot the hidden object.


The lamp is somewhere in there, and every detail matters. Try focusing on those buildings and you might just see it!

Here’s the correct answer:


How long did it take you to spot the missing objects? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more puzzles and stories, follow us on Facebook!