Categories: FunlifeQuiz

9 Out Of 10 Viewers Couldn’t Spot The Mistake In This Picture! But Can You Find It?

Being attentive or observant means paying attention to everything around you and thinking critically about what you have just seen.


The great detective Sherlock Holmes once said: “You see, but you do not observe.”

Observation skills enhance our ability to react to our surroundings or situations in an appropriate way.

Credit – BrainyCounty

That is why we have here a picture puzzle that will put your observation skills to the test! You do not have to be a fan of sports to enjoy this brainteaser.


This picture puzzle shows a man riding a red motorcycle. He is wearing a blue helmet, black boots, black jacket and pants.

The background shows trees, grass, and a mountain.  But there is something wrong in the picture! Can you spot it?

Source – Pexels

Only eagle-eyed people can spot the mistake right away – do you think you can also figure out what the mistake it?


Check the image again and see if you can find the error!

Source – Pexels

If you still haven’t spotted the mistake, do not fret as others also did not notice it right away on their first try.


Here’s a clue: look closely at that motorcycle and you might just figure it out on your own!

If you’re still struggling, you can also scroll down to view the answer.

Source – Pexels

But are you sure you do not want to take another glance at the picture? Alright, there’s no turning back now! The answer is:


The motorcycle has no front fork!

Credit – BrainyCounty

An axle that is connected to the fork holds the front wheel. But if you look at the image again, there is no fork. This fact leads us to another question: how can he even drive the motorcycle?


How long did it take you to spot the mistake? Let us know in the comments section and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your friends and family!