Categories: FunlifeQuiz

90% Of Viewers Couldn’t Spot The Mistake In This Picture Of A Wheelbarrow – But Can You?

If you are able to spot mistakes in everything you see then you will be happy to know that we have here a perfect test for you.


As people say, to see is to believe, and for that reason, it is always important to train your visual skills and make sure your eyes are constantly ready for action.

To help you improve those observation skills of yours, we have gathered a series of visual tasks that only the most eagle-eyed people will be able to pass.


Let’s start with our first challenge for the day. In the picture above, you can see a green wheelbarrow with yellowish handles and tray.


Somewhere in this image, there is also a terrible mistake. Find it in less than thirty seconds to pass the test!

To find the error, focus on the small details. If you look very closely, you might just see that the wheelbarrow can’t be operated until something major is fixed!

Source – Pixabay

Have you found the mistake yet? We can tell you that there’s nothing wrong with the tray, handles, and the legs of the wheelbarrow.


But what about that front wheel? Inspect it carefully before scrolling down to see the correct answer.

While the wheel itself appears to be okay, it is clearly detached from the frame of the wheelbarrow!


How long did it take you to spot the error? If you want another chance to prove yourself while having fun, feel free to give the puzzle below a try as well.


Once again, you only have thirty seconds to pass the challenge so make every second count!


As you can see in the picture, a watering can is sitting on the ground in front of a small grass patch. In the background, you might also notice colorful flowers and a clear-blue sky.


But where’s the error?

As you’ve probably figured out, the mistake concerns the watering can. If you take a closer look at its canopy, you will see that it is located on the wrong side of the watering can!


How fast did you solve these puzzles? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more riddles and stories, follow us on Facebook!